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Easy Guide for Kids - the Four Main Parts of a Computer

  Understanding the Four Main Parts of a Computer   Computers are everywhere in today’s world, and they help us in so many ways, from writing and drawing to playing games and learning new things. But have you ever wondered what makes a computer work? Let’s take a look at the four main parts of a computer that help it do all these amazing things.   Monitor The monitor is the screen that shows you everything the computer is doing. Think of it like a TV, but instead of watching shows, you see the work you’re doing, the games you’re playing, or even the videos you’re watching. Without the monitor, you wouldn’t be able to see anything!   Keyboard The keyboard is like the computer’s own version of a writing tool. It has all the letters, numbers, and special keys you need to type words and commands. Whether you’re writing a story, sending a message, or doing your homework, the keyboard helps you tell the computer what to do.   CPU (Central Processing Unit) The CPU, or Central Processing Unit,